
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Back Home In AP, They Follow The PMO's Example!

The following is my email to Chief Secretary, Government Of Andhra Pradesh.

Sounds familiar ?

Kindly Support Secretary to Government(Ser), General Administration Department Re: Letter #11365-DG/PAGB.1/A1/07-1 Dtd25-07-2007

from divakar snatarajan
date Thu, Aug 2, 2007 at 10:28 PM
subject Kindly Support Secretary to Government(Ser), General Administration Department Re: Letter #11365-DG/PAGB.1/A1/07-1 Dtd25-07-2007


Further to my request for information under RTI Act 2005-Reg dtd 18.7.07, regarding information taken on the matters petitioned vide my emaiI to the then Chief Secretary dtd 25,26,29,31July 2005 and #rd August 2005 along with a CD containing supporting evidence presented to the then PS to CS, I have received what appears to be a strange response from the Secretary - General Administration Department.

I have been asked to " furnish a copy of the above emails ...for taking further action in the matter".

The request appears strange because,

1. The RTI Act 2005 does not permit any conditions to be imposed on the petitioner by the Public Information Officer, "for taking further action in the matter".

2. It passes my comprehension as to why the Secy GAD, should seek copies of material that clearly ought to be a part of your files and records.

I am sure you will agree, that prima facie this appears to be a rather frivolous and flimsy dilatory tactic contravening both the spirit and letter of the "revolutionary" RTI Act 2005.

It is of course my hope that such is not the case.

In the event may I respectfully request that you kindly make available the above records from your files in order that "further action may be taken" without any delay.

I shall also be deeply grateful if your officers prefer email to snail mail for the same reasons.

With my deepest regards,
I am sincerely,

Divakar S Natarajan

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