Shri Bandaru Dattatreya,
Minister of State (Independent Charge)
for Labour & Employment
Government of India. 11/18/14
Dear Shri Dattatreya Garu,
I am delighted to convey my heartiest congratulations to you on your well deserved elevation to the Union cabinet.
I have no doubt that with your deep experience and grass roots political reach you would be a valuable asset to the Hon'ble Prime Minister's team .
There is a clear consensus that the massive mandate for the present government is because the people of India and the world at large are exasperated by the huge delays, damage and injustices caused by rampant and pervasive corruption of India's political economy.
During the previous NDA regime, our then AP contingent, including Shri Ch Vidyasagara Rao Garu, Late Shri Bangaru Laxman Garu and your kind self had valiantly tried to ensure that I received a modicum of justice for the gratuitous harassment at the hands of Doordarshan, because of my resistance to, by now well documented, corrupt mores of the Doorsdarshan management.
You had been kind enough to convey me to the late Shri Pramod Mahajan's official residence in your official car and introduce me to him, but he chose to snub all of us.
In other words,while the efforts of the Andhra Pradesh contingent of BJP on my behalf, were undoubtedly, sincere, gracious, memorable and exemplary, they failed.
You failed not because you were wrong, but because you were absolutely and unequivocally right.
You were defeated by forces that were immensely more powerful than you.
Those "Shining India" forces were in turn, decisively repudiated by the people of India and by other circumstances.
I was, unfortunately, in contrast to the earlier enthusiasm, left to wage a lonely battle , against the prevalent idea that "corruption is a way of life" in India.
And I did that.
Corruption is a conspiracy of silence.
I have been among the very few Indians, who have written, demonstrated and campaigned against my horrendous mistreatment by Doodrdarshan and all the other authorities in India, the Press, the judiciary, and thus non cooperated against corruption.
You, Shri Vidysagar Rao Garu and others are personally aware that I have had to pay a massive price for my sane, loving, autonomous but lonely stand against corruption.
It is a reflection of the horrifyingly perverse conditions prevailing in our beloved country, that I have been humiliated to the extent of having my water supply cut , encouraged by none other than the Governor of AP's office, since 2002 !
Much has changed since then. The people of India have demonstrated their revulsion against corruption in many ways.
I hardly need to point out that the mandate that you have received dictates, that the prompt and just resolution of my case, ought to be at the top of your agenda.
You'll recall that in our last meeting a couple of weeks ago in Hyderabad, you had, despite being aware of my presence, made me cool my heels for hours.
Most unfortunate and quite a contrast to the Dattatreya Garu that I had known .
Finally,you had instructed your assistant, that a proper appointment be fixed - I had even then, come only with the prior consent of your assistants - in order that we are able to resolve the issues that have been pending since your previous tenure in Delhi.
Alas, I have not heard from you since.
I hope I have been able to clarify the situation as it exists today.
I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.
With warm regards, I am,
yours sincerely,
Divakar S Natarajan