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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Chief Information Commissioner Demonstrates Bias...

"This" is a hiss!

from divakar snatarajan
date Wed, Jan 9, 2008 at 3:32 PM
subject "This" is a hiss!

Dear Shri Shreyaskar,

Thank you for your reply of 31-12-07.

I am shocked and pained by the CIC's prejudiced, contemptuous and dismissive response.

To an objective person, it clearly demonstrates the depth of psychological denial in high places about the devastating effects of corruption, lack of accountability etc.

It once again clearly demonstrates the bare, clinical, truth of my contentions in my email to him.

For an objective third party, not so close to the system, it might appear that the RTI Act 2005, was made for me, if not actually inspired by my editorial page article in The Hindustan Times.

However, it appears that CIC without even asking for any evidence, is convinced I am shamming.

I have provided evidence that appellate authority has not even bothered to answer my appeal. I have called her several time and left messages;that were never answered.

This is worse than the appellate authority who was chided by the CIC in Mar 07 for "unbecoming" conduct.

I am unable to provide documents at this stage for reasons that I have mentioned in my note to the appellate authority because such action on my part would constitute a betrayal of "onus of proof "Sec 19(5) .

I am also not clear why CIC has not acknowledged my email of Nov 29,2007.

However, I have attached copious proof of my nineteen year long sathyagraha that never should have been.

I demand that the Central Information Commission find an early and efficient way to deliver me the Information that is my right; the lack of which has my life and liberty incarcerated in a conspiracy of sepulchral silence and deep psychological prejudice.


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