from divakar snatarajan
date Thu, Nov 29, 2007 at 4:51 PM
subject Urgent Appeal For Out-of-Turn Hearing. Appeal dated 12 Oct 2007.Denial of Information by PMO. Diary number 463221
I shall be grateful for an immediate and out of turn hearing on my appeal on the ground that the information requested has the potential to release my life and liberty from the conspiracy of silence in which they have been incarcerated,since the last 17 years, due to my outspoken resistance to corruption.
The egregious nature of the PMO non response - denial on obviously frivolous grounds and no response whatsoever from the appellate authority - is another compelling reason for CIC to take up my appeal urgently.
Divakar S Natarajan
With a forward to PKP Shreyaskar Jt Registrar CIC
Dear Shri Pavan Kumar,
Thank you for calling me this afternoon. As per your advice, herewith forward of my email appeal to Shri Habibullah to the address furnished by you.
The import of the "egregious" point is:
In order not to be snowed down by appeals, it may be in the CIC's interest to summarily discourage and disincentivise situations where there is indisputable evidence of absence of application of mind;that too from the PMO!
I look forward to my "information" at the earliest and thank you for your kind courtesy.
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